I hope all those in Vancouver make Dining Out for Life a huge success tonight! I want to thank everyone in that area, the businesses and the patrons, for everything you are doing for our cause. There has been a lot of HIV/AIDS news, so I thought I would share a few articles that grabbed my interest today.
Religious leaders are meeting in the Netherlands this week to have an open forum about their influence over their communities regarding the AIDS crisis. Religious leaders have a chance to really involve their congregations with the fight against HIV/AIDS, read about it here.
Can television and soccer help fight AIDS? That's what Sony hopes for during the World Cup. Sony has donated huge TV monitors to broadcast HIV/AIDS awareness messages during the games in Ghana and Cameroon. Sony wants to make sure as many people as possible in Africa have access to information that can save their lives. Good job, Sony!
About 8% of Tanzania's population is infected with HIV, but there are steps being taken to bring that number down. A few years ago, the HIV rate among those who went to high school dropped dramatically, and so an emphasis is being placed on educating young girls about HIV/AIDS, since they are among the most at risk.
Budget cuts in South Carolina are limiting funds for HIV/AIDS funds, including the money which goes towards the AIDS Drug Assistance Program which helps low income individuals struggling to pay for their AIDS medication. This is sad news for all those in South Caroline living with HIV/AIDS, please keep them in your thoughts.
April is almost here! That means, we all need to make a reservation and "TwEAT" about Dining Out For Life so our friends and families everywhere can participate. Remember, April 29th we are trying to break a world record, so make those reservations and help fight AIDS!
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