Edge Alliance is a revolutionary company dedicated to minimizing the effect the current economic climate currently has on non-profits. Edge Alliance has teamed up with AIDSCare Progressive Services to present Dining Out for Life: City of Big Shoulders in Chicago.
"The City of Big Shoulders marketing campaign is exuberant and playful, stressing that fighting AIDS and supporting others isn’t just a duty: it is truly a joyful experience. The figures are elevating each other, and providing each other with a spiritual boost. The “City of Big Shoulders ” slogan is taken from Carl Sandburg’s poem “ Chicago .” The slogan is an incredibly rich expression with many different meanings. On the one hand, it denotes strength. On the other, it denotes support. “Big Shoulders” describes Chicago as a brawny, powerful, dynamic working man. We expand that meaning to introduce the idea of a supportive shoulder, i.e.lending our strength to those who need it. By dining out on Thursday, April 29th, diners are helping to fight AIDS and lending a “shoulder” to those who need it most."
Thank you to Edge Alliance, AIDSCare Progressive Services and all those participating in the City of Big Shoulders event taking place in Chicago.
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